Friday, June 29, 2012

Who Killed Heath Ledger?

The first time I saw Heath Ledger, it was by accident. My date and later to-be husband, Nick, took me to see 'The Sixth Sense', finally succumbing to peer pressure to guess 'the big surprise ending. By now, 'The Sixth Sense' was off the major theater chain circuit and only screening in small suburban independent theaters, which led us to experience one of those now rare events: a double-feature matinee. The first movie was '10 Things I Hate About You'.

Well passed 'teen movies, even those with Shakespearian-based scripts, we shyly admitted to liking 10 Things. Wow, I really like the male lead, what was his name? "He's Australian, you know", replied Nick. And in typical Aussie-fashion, I was doubly impressed and now stupidly filled with national pride. Another brilliant Australian up-and-comer to join the rapidly increasing queue to grace Hollywood screens.

Years later, I would often grab the DVD to fill a cheerless afternoon and find myself watching and rewinding the same scene. Over and over and over again. My secret guilty pleasure. Heath sliding down the pole, microphone in hand, singing "You're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you …" The brass band kicks in. And that charmingly defiant half-run, half-prancing across the school steps. The scene is brilliant. It's inexplicable. He simply has that old-fashioned 'it' factor.

I'm not a star-struck fan and was never one of those teenagers with movie-star idol posters plastered all over my bedroom walls, but this kids got talent.

And then came those scene-stealing roles that totally blew us away. The Patriot. Monsters Ball. And finally leading-man status and an Academy Award nomination. By now, we were just used to having another famous Australian up there with the rest of the world's great talent churning out an endless array of diverse, yet illustrious film roles.

We had no idea. It was not endless. It was not what we expected.

When people who I've never met but greatly admire die, I'm sad. But I've never cried before. I have never before felt that heart wrenching overwhelming shock that lasted for days after I heard the news. This time it was somehow more personal. As soon as I read the detailed list of the first report of his deathbed scene, I intuitively knew how he died.
Ten days later the final medical examiners report confirmed my suspicions.

Hollywood is 'Xanax-city. Feeling down, pop a Xanax. Feeling stressed, pop a Xanax. Need to perform at your very best, pop a Xanax. A-list stars feel the pressure to provide A-grade performances when working on multi-million dollar films. There's too much money at stake. The intense stress, both internal and external, is immeasurable. The studios are risking billions, paying the stars millions, and the actors are unnaturally subjected to more pressure than we mere mortals can imagine.

Heath Ledger, himself, admitted that after the worldwide release of A Knights Tale with its instant paparazzi-bulb-flashing stardom, his stress levels increased ten-fold.

Xanax is the trade name of the generic anti-anxiety/tranquillizer prescription drug, alprazolam, listed in Ledgers toxicity report. The other anti-anxiety drug was diazepam, or more commonly known as Valium. These drugs are from a class of commonly prescribed tranquilizers known as benzodiazepines or simply referred to as benzos.

According to the latest National Health Study, approximately 10 million scripts of benzos are written annually in Australia alone with its meagre population of 20 million compared to 300 million in the US.

Many doctors will write a script for benzos faster than a speeding bullet. But the real danger is that too many of them do not know the long-term effects these drugs have on your system, how to give their patients the correct advice when administering or monitoring the dosages, and – more frighteningly - how to manage their patients benzo withdrawal program.
Firstly, this is how benzos affect your body – or more importantly – your brain. Benzodiazepines increase, or rather, enhance your brains main neurotransmitter, commonly known as GABA. Eventually, and this can be as quickly as 3 to 4 weeks if taking a daily dose, your brain will stop producing its own GABA and rely totally on the artificial benzo.

GABA is the most important neurotransmitter because it affects just about everything else. Primarily it enhances the brains other neurotransmitters such as Serotonin and Dopamine. All of the brains neurotransmitters have important functions such as, voluntary movement of the muscles, wakefulness, sleep, memory function, sensory transmission - especially pain, and much, much more.

The problem is that from this point on your brain needs more benzo as tolerance starts the downward spiral, and the brain needs higher and higher dosages to obtain the same effect. If the patient is not given the correct dosage or management advice, that insidious and often-undiagnosed disorder known as Benzo Withdrawal Syndrome (BWS) will start its ugly and potentially dangerous descent.

BWS is known by experts in the field for its severity and prolonged nature. It may take years to fully withdraw from benzos, even with proper care and supervision. Without this knowledge, the unwitting patient can suffer from over 30 symptoms, the most common being unrelenting insomnia, severe pain and mood changes. People who have been taking benzos for a relatively short time can experience withdrawal symptoms even whilst taking the drug. In addition, if you have been taking them for a prolonged time, and then suddenly stop, dire circumstances may happen. Or, at the very least, more pain, more depression and unrelenting insomnia.

When we now read about Heath Ledgers complaints, does this sound familiar? Everything points to extreme Benzo Withdrawal, but no-one is exclaiming its dangers. In fact, most GPs and even hospital doctors admit they know very little about Benzo Withdrawal. Some even refer their patients to drug rehabilitation centers – an absolute no-no according to benzo counselors. Benzo withdrawal is the exact opposite to alcohol or street drug dependency. You don't want to abruptly eliminate the benzo from your body, as they often do in drug rehabilitation. The brain needs the benzo. One must gradually withdraw the artificial benzo until the brain can eventually increase its own GABA. Sudden cessation of benzos can cause severe problems such as seizures and blackouts.

When in BWS, the counselors advise against taking any medication or drugs whatsoever. Paracetamol is probably the only thing the body can cope with for pain relief. Nothing else. Even codeine is forbidden. Also, one should totally refrain from alcohol, caffeine, and all stimulants. There is a strong protocol to be followed and without this knowledge, the patient is easily put at great risk.

The Ashton Manual, the acknowledged benzodiazepine 'bible, warns:

"Drug interactions: Benzodiazepines have additive effects with other drugs with sedative actions including other hypnotic's, some antidepressant's (e.g. amitriptyline [Elavil], doxepin [Adapin, Sinequan]), major tranquilizers or neuroleptics (e.g. prochlorperazine [Compazine], trifluoperazine [Stelazine]), anticonvulsant's (e.g. phenobarbital, phenytoin [Dilantin], carbamazepine [Atretol, Tegretol]), sedative antihistamines (e.g. diphenhydramine [Benadryl], promethazine [Phenergan]), opiates (heroin, morphine, meperidine), and, importantly, alcohol. Patients taking benzodiazepines should be warned of these interactions. If sedative drugs are taken in overdose, benzodiazepines may add to the risk of fatality."

The real problem is that there are extremely few experts in treating BWS; they will not include your local doctor, hospital, or drug clinic. However, there are good BWS specialists that can be extremely helpful, but they are usually found in specially funded tranquillizer recovery clinics.

One must ask, why don't doctors know about this? The problem is they simply don't. Is it their fault or the pharmaceutical companies that profit from these addictions? There is little or no dissemination of information within the community, the medical fraternity or from the pharmaceutical companies about benzodiazepines. And, according to BWS counselors working in the field, there is insufficient research or empirical studies on the effects of benzos and BWS management to assist them with their intensive workload's.

Why? Who is at fault? Who is responsible for remedying the situation? Why are the people who write the scripts uninformed about the after-effects and potential dangers associated with benzodiazepines?

Can our beloved Heath Ledgers death be at least one catalyst that will draw this devastating travesty to the public's attention to demand more information?

I hope so.

Making Life Easier, with NLP Chunking!

You know, in psychology there is a rule, especially within the NLP circles that I work in and the literature that I read, it is quite a famous rule; 7 plus or minus 2 – this is the notion that the conscious mind can only keep track of between 5 and 9 discrete pieces of information at one time. Your unconscious can literally keep track of billions and billions of things at the same time aparently (clever thing that it is!), while your conscious mind is more one step at a time and it has a fairly narrow focus. WHatever the truth of this, it is a useful way to expereince your own thinking.

Here are a couple of things that you can do to test the extent of your conscious mind: Without writing them down, blurt out now, straight away without thought;

- As many brands of cars as you can.

- As many film titles as you can.

- As many pop groups as you can.

Many people run out of steam when they get to ten, usuallly because of the 7+-2 rule. The bottom line is, when the conscious mind is presented with more than 9 pieces of information, it gets overloaded. So before you send me a very clever email telling me off for pointing out the limits of the conscious mind, would you like to know how you can use this to your advantage? Of course you would.

When you bear the 7+-2 rule in mind, you can start to organise things so that you work with your conscious mind, playing to its strengths. For instance, if you have a to-do list.

Many people that I have encountered have a daily to-do list with 20 or more items on it. This is a recipe for total overwhelm (at which point they often resort to looking for the easiest or funnest thing on the list to do.) The following ideas can help you get a handle on your to-do list really fast, especially if that list has things that are important for your goals and achievements and sense of well-being.

Firstly, scan through the list, looking for items that can be grouped together into categories.

For example, here is a load of the stuff on my list for this week:

Write Adam Up.

Bank cheques.

Finish writing chapter for new book

Prepare for client therapy sessions.

Finish project on public speaking.

Finish marketing material for new courses.

FInish listening to current educational Audio set.

Read through solicitors material regarding other business project.

Write up script for new audio title.

Send out follow-up letters for last weeks clients.

Prepare for photo shoot for new Bio.

Write up blurb for my new Audio release.

Write new web-page copy.

Review new CD covers

Meet PR people

Do proposal for new book for Publishers.

Read e-book

New course blurb

Meet with prospective business artner for new project.

Clear inbox

Have a life. Have fun......

The first thing on the list is 'Write Adam Up' – for me, "Adam Up" is one of my products, so I write 'Product' beside it. Next is 'Bank Cheques' – that's part of our cashflow system, so I write 'Systems' beside it. Pretty soon, every item on my list is in a category:

Write Adam Up.

Bank cheques.

Finish writing chapter for new book

Prepare for client therapy sessions.

Finish project on public speaking.

Finish marketing material for new courses.

Finish listening to current educational Audio set.

Read through solicitors material regarding other business project.

Write up script for new audio title: Products.

Send out follow-up letters for last weeks clients: Systems.

Prepare for photo shoot for new Bio: Marketing.

Write up blurb for my new Audio release: Marketing.

Write new web-page copy: Marketing.

Review new CD covers: Systems

Meet PR people: People.

Do proposal for new book for Publishers: People.

Read e-book: Personal.

New course blurb: Marketing.

Meet with prospective business artner for new project: People.

Clear inbox: Personal.

Have a life. Have fun: Personal.

This is better! I have now gone from a list of 20 or so items (instant overwhelm) to a list of 6 categories which is well within even my 7+-2 limit.

- Products

- Systems

- Training

- Marketing

- People

- Personal

This is what we refer to as chunking in my professional field, and is one of the most effective ways of dealing with any large or complex set of tasks (or set of anything else). You may say "Great, but I've got 200 things on my to-do list". It doesn't matter – the same principles apply. If you go through your to-do list or your goals lists; just get it whittled down from 200 items to 20 categories, that is better, it is getting it more manageable – go through the 20 categories and see where they group together. Group together goals for your own development; being a non-smoker, growing in confidence, creating wealth, reducing weight etc. The key is to have no more than 9 categories at each level – this way your conscious mind can keep track of it.

Secondly, start to manage your to-do list by the high-level categories: You can use this in all sorts of areas to make things more manageable, for example:

- To-do lists.

- Goals you are working toward.

- The filing system on your computer.

- Your filing cabinet.

- Any project you're doing.

One of the things this allows you to do is notice very quickly if there's a specific area where you have not been taking much action lately – very useful for helping focus on what needs attention.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Why You Need a 3-Tiered Strategy For Article Submission

You've heard a lot about how much writing articles can do for your internet marketing strategy. You now understand how writing articles can help position you as an expert in your field, gain valuable targed traffic for your web site, and quickly multiple your site's text links.

Now you have convinced yourself to take the plunge into article marketing and you have a few articles all lined up and ready to submit -- and you are overwhelmed by the sheer volume and variety of article directories available. It is easy to simply go with the big dogs and forget the rest, but that is a big mistake. You really need to have a 3-tiered article submission strategy. Select a couple of the big dogs, but also add some medium-sized directories and some smaller, newer directories to your list for regular submission as well. There are several reasons why this strategy can be much more effective in the long run than targeting the large directories alone.

The mega-directories carry a big punch in terms of link power and recognition. You can almost watch the reader numbers climb on your articles. But because they are so big they also get a large volume of submissions every day and your articles very quickly move from the top page of the directories new submissions list and even from the top page of the topic listing.

Medium-sized directories don't pack as big a punch as the mega, but their text link value is still strong and they usually have a solid reader base. They have been around long enough to build a loyal audience and clientele. However because they are not as big their submission volume is lower than the mega so your articles retain top billing longer -- and becoming a top article or top author may be an attainable goal for the part-timer.

Small and/or new directories usually don't offer nearly the level of power of their larger brethren, but a quick study will reveal whether or not the directory is regularly maintained and promoted -- and you know that will mean the link power currently exists and will grow in the near future. Also with new and small directories you can easily achieve top author status and your articles will stay at the top of the ranking longer -- they may well pass directly from "new" status to "top" status which rarely if ever happens at a mega directory.

That is my current strategy for article submission and I hope you found it helpful.

Think You Can't Write Articles? Think Again!

Writing articles and putting them out on the web for everyone to see can be a little intimidating though at first, especially if you don't consider yourself a writer. Remember that you have a lot of knowledge in your area of expertise that your readers are looking for, so just start sharing that knowledge in articles. Let's take a look at how you can start writing your first article today.

Make a List
One of the easiest ways to write an article is to start with a list. Take out a piece of paper and jot down 5 reasons why… or 10 tips to do…. Your list will of course depend on your particular business but here are some examples: 5 reasons to take a multi vitamin, 10 tips to get your child to eat his vegetables, Top 5 ways to loose weight.

Now you write a little paragraph about each of your reasons or tips to explain them to your reader. Add an introduction to the topic at the beginning and close the article with a call to action such as start this today, visit this

Start with an Outline
I usually sit down with a pen and a notebook and start jotting down outlines for articles before I sit down at the computer to write the actual article. I come up with a title, a basic idea for the introduction and then just make a list of the major things I want to mention in the article. I also make a note of how I want to close the article. Then I'll sit down and type out the entire article, modifying my outline as needed to make the article flow.

Record Yourself
If you're more of a talker and love to tell others about your business, you may want to try recording yourself. Pretend you are telling a friend about a particular topic, maybe the benefits of using your product. Jut talk until you run out of stuff to say. Then listen to your recording and transcribe what you want to include in the article. You can record yourself on you computer, with a tape recorder, or use a MP3 player that records as well.

Interview Someone
Interviews make great articles as well. Find an expert on the topic you want to discuss in your article and either interview them in person (and record it) or email them the questions and have him or her send them back to you. Add a paragraph at the beginning about whom you interviewed and a little info about the person. You can close by summarizing the interview or highlighting a major point the expert made and encourage your readers to take action.

You can use the article you just wrote on your website, on your blog, or in your newsletter. You should also submit it to the article directories. Write a little resource box or author bio to the bottom of your article. When someone picks up an article from the directory to add it to their site or newsletter, they will also include your resource box with the link to your website, driving free traffic to your site.

Payday Loans Provide Money for Urgent and Troubled Times

A sure way to deal with your cash problems that arise when you have exhausted your paycheck is to take up money through loans. With numerous loan opportunities, the borrower has to choose his option wisely. Through Payday Loans, the borrowers can take up money for their needs easily and without pledging any collateral with the lender.

These loans are available to those borrowers who are in need of money for their urgent needs but due to exhaustion of their paycheck, they are not able to do so, on their own. The money is available to them without pledging any assets with the lenders. Only some conditions of eligibility are required to be fulfilled. The borrowers should be adult citizens of the UK. They should be regularly employed since the last 6months and have a regular place of residence since the last 3months. The money has to be transferred to a current bank account of the borrower which is at least 6 months old.

The amounts that can be borrowed are dependent on the monthly inflow of cash of the borrower. The amount may be as low as

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Does My Child Need Life Insurance Coverage?

Whether or not a child needs life insurance coverage is a widely argued debate. If you examine the following information and feel that you are in a position that would benefit from life insurance being placed on your child, then this would be the best decision for you. Some people are not in a situation that would be helped by their child having life insurance. The conclusion to this debate will vary from person to person and you will only be able to get to the appropriate answer for your situation by thinking about the main points of such coverage.

Many people argue that children do not need life insurance. Being as the mortality rate for children is much lower than that of adults, some people feel that such coverage is an unnecessary economic drain on a family. On top of that, insurance is given out to individuals who have something to lose in the event of the untimely death of the individual insured. Adults often provide for their family. While children are beloved and indispensable on an emotional and mental level, they very rarely offer their family financial or monetary stability. As such, it is unlikely that, from a financial standpoint, individuals would have something to lose from the death of a child.

On the other side of the argument, some people feel that having a life insurance policy on a child is a good thing to put in place since it is never too soon to get life insurance coverage. Everyone dies, and these people will be prepared from a fiscal standpoint. As a person gets older, their life insurance premiums almost always increase over time. This is because individuals often open themselves up more to either short-term or long-term life-threatening practices, such as smoking, drinking, driving vehicles including motorcycles and the like. Children are still fairly innocent and limited in their exposure. Children can get some of the lowest insurance premiums offered by life insurance companies. In addition, many life insurance companies that offer coverage for children will keep the premiums the same, no matter how old the child eventually gets. There is definitely an advantage for individuals who have their insurance premiums set when they are three years old as opposed to fifty years old. <

For the most part, a family's financial situation will help them to determine which decision might be best for them. If a family has the extra money needed to pay for such a policy, it might be good for the child when it comes to the long-term experiences of their life. Specifically, it would be great for the child when it gets to the point that they would eventually need to file for life insurance coverage. However, if a family does not have the money needed for such a venture, this is not necessarily a bad thing. Most families do not need the policy coverage that the child's policy would offer. The benefits are often established and developed later, when the child needs to take over such payments and they find out they will be paying a lot less compared to other people their age who are just now taking out life insurance policies.

nvestors Look at Philippine Apart-Hotel or Condotel Property Investments

PLC International Marketing Networks has revealed that some institutional investors are trying to diversify their property portfolios through areas like Southeast Asia, China and beyond - with the Philippines heading the list, then Thailand, Japan, China, and Singapore property investments featuring in some portfolios.

In the UK, "Investors are moving to new areas to find value" said Beth Collingz, Global Marketing Director of PLC International Marketing Networks based in Metro Manila and Cebu in the Philippines. "More and more of clients for Condotel Investments are coming from the UK. There has been a distinct market shift from US based clients over the past few months and we see that trend continuing over the winter months of 2006 and on into 2007 has Sterling continues its increase in value over the US Dollar.

"A lot of this interest is being driven by the relatively cheap market prices in the Philippines compared to Europe, specially UK Housing prices, and the easy payment options available for our Condotel Developments, but there are other factors, too.

Offshore Property Investors, Foreign baby boomers as well as overseas Filipinos, are looking for ways to maximize their return on investments as they approach retirement, and so are purchasing second homes, particularly Condotel Investments where they can use the Condo for vacations and rent it out through our In-House Condotel Management when they are not using the unit thereby gaining rental incomes that on today's purchase prices, give a projected ROI on their investments of some 12-16% depending upon the mode of payment for the unit"

Metro Manila remains a popular choice with international buyers and institutional investors. Collingz says clients tell her that it makes more sense to buy in a year-round vacation destinations and business centers. Lancaster - The Atrium Condotel developments by Pacific Concord Properties located in Shaw Boulevard, Metro Manila - fits the bill with all it offers to International buyers.

Accessibility is also a factor. "Flights from London to Manila, for example, average just 16 hours, add to that the many airline specials and it's easy to see why this area is becoming an international community." Unlike other offshore rental properties, where the rental market is largely seasonal, in the Philippines there is a strong market for rental properties year round. This gives buyers greater flexibility in choosing when to use and when to rent their property. The strong rental/second home market also has resulted in a proliferation of professional property managers and rental agents, making property ownership and rental easy. Pacific Concord Properties Inc with it's flagship Lancaster Condotel Developments fit's the bill.

Lancaster Manila Atrium Tower A, Shaw Boulevard, Metro Manila, Philippines is a "Full Service" Condominium Hotel ["Condotel"] offering Studio, One, Two and Three Bedroom Suites for sale. To be completed and ready for turnover from December 2010, the Lancaster Suites Manila Atrium Tower II will provide unit owners with premier residential condo units with the option of enrolling their units in the Lancaster Condotel Rental Pool and earn Rental Incomes as Owner Non-Residents when not using their units through Condotel Management and reciprocal arrangement with Lancaster Cebu Resort Residences. This makes Lancaster Suites Manila, one of the Hottest Investment Opportunities in the Philippines said Collingz.

Article Submission Trumps Ezine Ads and Google AdWords

You may have heard advice from Internet marketing gurus that ezine ads are one of the best forms of advertising. You may also have heard that Google AdWords and other pay per click search engines are one of the best advertising methods. But when it comes to marketing your web site, article submission trumps ezine ads and Google AdWords anytime.

The advantage of article submission is trust. Suppose you subscribe to an ezine in the form of an email newsletter. You've just sat down at your PC, coffee in hand, to read your email. There in your inbox is a copy of one of your favorite ezines, the one you read every time.

Clicking on the newsletter, you see that this edition starts with a sponsor ad and then has a couple of great sounding articles and a couple more ezine ads. Sipping your coffee, one of the articles catches your attention. You read the article, and you were right. It's a great article.

At the bottom of the article, there is a link to the author's web site and a short biography. You notice the author has a link to pick up a free report with more information about the article's topic. Then you notice that right below that there's a sponsor's link in an ezine ad. The sponsor's link is for a different web site, but it also offers a free report about the same topic.

Now you might click both links. But if you could only click one, which would you choose: the one by the author of the great article you just read or the one in the ezine ad?

If you would click on the one from the author of the article you just read, you're not alone. Most people would, wouldn't they?

Now suppose you're surfing around on the web. You do a Google search on a topic you're interested in, and you follow a link to a great article with some excellent advice on the topic. Again, there is a link to the author's web site and a link to a free report with more information on the topic. Right beside it are five Google AdWords ads on the same topic. As luck would have it, they are also each offering a free report on the same topic.

You would still be most likely to click on the author's link at the bottom of the article, though, wouldn't you?

Article submission trumps ezine ads and Google AdWords because you establish a relationship and build trust with your reader. You are obviously the expert. After all, you wrote the article. And the webmaster or ezine publisher wouldn't have published the article if they didn't think you knew what you were talking about, right?

Years ago, I used to do direct sales in people's homes. I learned that one of the first things you need to do is the "warm up." You've just entered someone's home, they don't know who you are as a person, and they know you're going to be trying to get money from them before you leave.

If you don't establish rapport quickly, it's difficult to overcome people's natural sales resistance. In direct sales in the home, you do that by talking a little with people before you begin your sales presentation. They get to know you as a person, and their resistance is lowered.

Most people can't do sales because they remain the "enemy," the horrible sales person who wants to sell them something. Let's face it, people hate sales people!

But imagine if you could warm up to people easily - and not just one or two people, but thousands of people. Imagine if instead of selling them something, you could educate them about something that will solve a problem and be of great benefit to them. That's entirely different, isn't it?

Article submission allows you to do exactly this, and on a massive scale. If you submit many articles to article submission sites and article directories, many will be published on web sites and in ezines around the Internet. People will read your articles and warm up to you. Solve their problems and they'll want more.

It's hard to accomplish that with Google AdWords. You only have three lines and a few words to build interest and trust and to get the click. It's also hard to achieve that with ezine ads. Even with solo ezine ads, everyone knows they are advertisements.

Article submission is the secret. Writing and submitting articles is relatively easy. Just write very helpful articles on your topic and link to your web site. Through article submission you will build your reputation. Through article submission you will gain trust. And through article submission you will get visitors to your web site that already like you, value your advice, and want to know more about what you can do to help them.

That's already an incredible benefit, but it gets even better. Article submission is usually free, or low cost if you use an article submission service. Ezine ads and Google AdWords can be very expensive, and it is unlikely you could ever get traffic coming to your site as open to listening to you and trusting you as they will be from an article submission.

This is why article submission trumps ezine ads and Google AdWords.

An Introduction To Plasma TV Technology

Plasma TVs have become increasingly available, and their cost is lowering all the time. We have all heard about plasma TVs, and advertising campaigns are constantly telling us that they are the status symbol to have. Adverts are extremely effective at glorifying the benefits of having a plasma TV, so much so that it appears that even our pulling power and popularity will be improved. The one thing that these adverts don't really tell us is what a plasma TV actually is. Here is a brief guide to plasma TVs to help you appreciate this apparent miracle of modern technology.

Plasma TVs have a higher resolution than other conventional display devices which means that they can display the high definition signals of HDTV and DTV. Also, plasma TVs are compatible with the computer signals SVGA, VGA, and XGA.

Unlike other display devices, plasma TVs have a transistor electrode for every pixel cell which means that there are none of the scan lines that are visible with regular TV sets. The whole image is evenly lit across the display by these electrodes, and not produced by an electron beam which is the cause of scan lines.

Top-of-the-range plasma TVs have display capabilities of over 16 million colours. This ensures that the picture has far more realistic colour than that shown on a conventional TV screen. This is because they are able to show far more shades of colours compared to the lesser quality TV screens.

Plasma TV screens are completely flat which has two benefits. There is no edge distortion, unlike on more curved conventional TV screens, and also there is a far wider viewing angle. The viewing angle of a plasma TV is 160 degrees, and allows the image to be seen properly from more areas of the room where the TV set is situated. This makes plasma TV screens ideal for large groups to view, and lessens the need for more than one TV set to be placed.

Of course, the main benefit that most people are aware of with plasma TVs is their space-saving quality. They are extremely shallow, and can therefore be installed in many more locations than a conventional TV set. The depth of a 50 inch screen is approximately 4 inches, and it can therefore be hung on a wall.

Book Review - Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss

"No wonder it's so hard to lose weight- our bodies are designed to keep weight on at all costs; it's a matter of survival. It's embedded in our DNA." In essence, we are designed to gain weight, expounds Mark Hyman, M.D. in his new bestselling book Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss. This books follows on the heels of his previous bestseller, UltraPrevention: The 6-Week Plan that Will Make You Healthy for Life that he coauthored and proves to be every bit as informative. Dr. Hyman, who has a passion for the cutting-edge science of Western medicine and alternative health for over 20 years, maintains that Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss is not just another of many weight loss books on the market. Rather, the book is your body's owner's manual for overall health. He distills his knowledge into a healthy lifestyle, which reduces the factors of a number of epidemic health problems and degenerative diseases currently plaguing us, while at the same time we also gain the positive side-effect of weight loss.

Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss dives in by turning much of what we believe as conventional wisdom concerning weight loss on its head. Much of what we think we know about weight loss actually has been making us gain weight. As evidence, the book points to the fact that despite the $50 billion we spend on weight loss every year in America, whether it's diet pills, programs or exercise routines, they all have a dismal success record. In fact, for every diet we go on, we end up gaining five pounds on average in the long run. Obesity is now overtaking smoking as the number one cause of preventable deaths with almost 70 percent of the adult population and one third of our children now overweight. Compounding the problem are the profitable foods the food industry pushes, entrenched pharmaceutical companies and our own government's recommendations, especially when it comes to the "food pyramid" or low fat in our diets.

In part I, Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss exposes seven hoary myths that make us unhealthy, gain weight and keep it on. First there is the Starvation Myth: Eating less and exercising more does not equal weight loss. Next is the Calorie Myth: All calories are created equal. Third is the Fat Myth. Eating fat makes you fat. Fourth is the Carb Myth. Eating a low carb or no carb diet will make you thin. Fifth is the Sumo Wrestler Myth: Skipping meals helps you lose weight. Sixth is the French Paradox Myth: The French are thin because they drink wine and eat butter, and last but not least is the Protector Myth: Government food policies and food industry regulations protect our health. Moreover, the book points out that the introduced man-made substances such as "trans-fats", which are found in nearly every processed and packaged food because they never spoil, are adding to our overall exploding health and weight problems over the past 30 years. This consumable plastic disrupts our metabolism by actually turning on a gene in your DNA, which slows metabolism causing you to gain weight. The book also discusses another danger to our health: the man-made supersugars, such as high-fructose corn syrup, which is used to sweeten almost everything these days including soft drinks. These supersugars quickly enter your bloodstream and trigger hormonal and chemical changes which induces insulin surges that tell your brain to eat more and your fat cells to store more fat. <

If there are substances and foods that we eat that can trigger negative results, then surly there are ways to make us healthy and loose weight. Part II of Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss gives us the keys to turn on our metabolism and fat burning genes, turn off your weight gain genes, and program your body to lose weight automatically. The book takes this even further in part III by providing menus and recipes, along with exercise and lifestyle treatments designed to create healthy metabolism and overall health. This section of the book is designed so it can be customized to meet your unique genetic needs to optimally awaken your fat-burning DNA.

Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss provides a vivid road map to navigate our way back to health and fitness. And in so doing we will be successful in our quest for long-term weight loss without counting calories, fat grams or carbs. We don't have to starve ourselves; we simply need to eat in harmony with our genes.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Small Business Credit Card

It has only been recently that the larger credit card companies began aggressively marketing small business credit cards. If you are a new entrepreneur and have decided it's time to get a small business credit card, you are in luck!

Most new businesses are sole proprietorships and credit is an important part of growing your business. The credit card issuers look at your personal credit history to see how you've managed your personal debt. A good personal credit report can prove that you take your obligations seriously.

As with any credit decision, you need to review what your requirements are before you apply for a small business credit card. The financial institutions are offering numerous incentives for your loyalty such as rewards, cash back, airline miles, high credit limit, and an option to pay over time or in full.

A small business credit card can assist with your cash flow. If you purchase supplies to do a job and bill the client upon completion, a small business credit card allows you that needed extension of time. You should keep this in mind and perhaps apply for a higher limit credit card. Consider the invoicing cycle. If you think it may run over thirty days, you would want to apply for a card that offers the option to pay over time. Look at a lower interest rate small business credit card.

If you have been in business for at least two years and just want to add to your cash flow. The Small Business Capital Line offered by American Express may be what your looking for. This offer includes an unsecured line of credit with a minimum of $10,000. Their easy application process doesn't require any supporting forms for most applications and gives you 100% access to your cash. This offer includes a competitive APR.<

If your new commercial endeavor includes travel, a small business credit card with rewards that offers savings for airline miles, hotel and car rental would be ideal. An added advantage is you can keep track, remotely, of an employee's expenses through online viewing of your account. This is a big plus when on a tight budget!

The SkyPoints Business Credit Card from Delta and American Express, lets you earn double SkyPoints for everyday purchases and Delta purchases too. You can receive up to 75% discount on airfare when you redeem your SkyPoints. There is a small yearly fee for this program, but the first year fee is waived, offering an immediate savings of $49.

Credit card companies have formed alliances with a number of retailers, both online and off line. Some rewards perks are discounts when using your small business credit card at specified locations.

The Chase Platinum Business Card offers additional savings through their Visa Business partner Advantage. Receive savings of up to 20% from leading retailers with special offers on computer equipment, office supplies, and many other items.

Choosing a small business credit card is made easier by the internet where you can compare offers side by side. Each of the small business credit card programs offer extra value. It's your choice which program fits with your financial needs.

Know Your Muscles - The Chest And Upper Back

Becoming familiar with the muscles that make up your body has more benefits than simply allowing you to talk shop with your training partners. The more familiar you are with the muscles you're working, the better you'll be able to judge what's needed to make improvements. In this article we'll get to know the muscles that make up the chest and upper back.

Although they are two distinct areas, the chest and the upper back will be considered together because achieving a muscular balance between them is crucial, particularly in relation to maintaining good posture. Creating an imbalance between the two is likely to result in injury.

The main muscles found in the chest and uper back are as follows:

1. Pectoralis major - these are the large chest muscles found to either side of the breastbone. Its main job is to bring the upper arm inwards across the body, a movement that is known as horizontal adduction.

2. Latissimus dorsi - this is the largest back muscle that runs from the lower back to the upper arm bone. It pulls the upper arm towards the body and acts as an internal rotator of the upper arm.

3. Trapezius - this muscle runs from the mid spine to the shoulder and then to the neck. Its main role is to faciltiate movement of the shoulder blades.

Forecasting the Future Value of Your 401(k)

If you've got Microsoft Excel (or just about any other popular spreadsheet program) running on your computer, you can use its FV function to forecast the future value of your 401(k) account.

The FV function calculates the future value of an investment given its interest rate,
the number of payments, the payment, the present value of the investment, and,
optionally, the type-of-annuity switch. (More about the type-of-annuity switch a little later.)

The function uses the following syntax:


This little pretty complicated, I grant you. But suppose you want to calculate the future value of a 401(k) account that's already got $10,000 in it and to which you're contributing $200-a-month. Further suppose that you want to know the account balance-its future value-in 25 years and that you expect to earn 10% annual interest.

To calculate the future value of the 401(k) account in this case using the FV function, you enter the following into a worksheet cell:


The function returns the value 385936.13-roughly $386,000 dollars.

A handful of things to note: To convert the 10% annual interest to a monthly interest rate, the formula divides the annual interest rate by 12. Similarly, to convert the 25-year term to a term in months, the formula multiplies 25 by 12.

Also, notice that the monthly payment and initial present values show as negative amounts because they represent cash outflows. And the function returns the future value amount as a positive value because it reflects a cash inflow the investor ultimately receives.

That 0 at the end of the function is the type-of-annuity switch. If you set the type-of-annuity switch to 1, Excel assumes payments occur at the beginning of the period (month in this case), following the annuity due convention. If you set the annuity switch to 0 or you omit the argument, Excel assumes payments occur at the end of the period following the ordinary annuity convention.

Ab Exercise Equipment - An Honest Review

Are you in perfect shape for summer yet? Those sunny days are just around the corner and everyone is out shopping for their revealing, sexy bathing suits. How will your new swimwear fit on you? Let's run a quick check. Are those legs toned and those arms fit? Have you been keeping up with your daily crunches and sit-ups?

Uh-oh, that one always gets people, I know it . Those darn abs workouts. Let me tell you the truth. Although they can be a little annoying at times, they're necessary to say the least. I can't overemphasize them. Come on, we all want to display a great set of abs and walk around showing them to everyone. Why else do you think we have so much abs exercise equipment reigning the fitness market at all times? Regardless of your gender, the abs are absolutely critical. Are you testing out some of the new-age abs exercise equipment?

When it comes to abs exercise equipment, I don't have any. I prefer to do all my exercises without machine interference. You know, all those traditional exercises like pull-ups, push-ups, leg-raises, dips, etc. Now, this is not the chosen route for every individual who is striving to stay fit. Many people prefer some of the latest benches, treadmills, stairmasters, and abs exercise equipment on the market. This stuff is great if you can afford it. Why not take advantage of any contemporary aids if available? If you have the money and think it fits you, I say go for it.

Let's take my wife as an example. My wife has one of those big rubber balls you see pretty girls swear by on television ads. While I'm pretty certain that they have a more politically correct name, I don't know what it is. She uses this abs exercise equipment for a wide array of stomach and back workouts. I have to admit that I was rather surprised the first time I saw it. I could certainly see how it would provide you with a strenuous workout and build your muscles. She continues to use it daily for a variety of exercises.

What abs exercise equipment do you prefer? Maybe you get your frequent dose of abs exercise equipment at the local gym or fitness club. They typically have a variety of abs exercise equipment ready at your service. Regardless of what regimes you prefer, you know that your daily dose of abs workouts are compulsory for keeping that bare, tight, flat tummy. If you are in need of advice concerning abs exercise equipment or just simple routines, you can hop online and acquire anything your heart desires. From diet plans, to fitness regimes galore, you will find it all on the World-Wide-Web. They are abundant and free! Get started today and get those abs you've always wanted!

The Inportence of Health and Nutrition as you Age

Nutrition is know to interact with the process of aging in many ways. Nutrition problems of the older population are increased due to susceptibility to chronic disease, decreased organ function which may affect digestion and absorption, metabolism, and excretion of nutrients. Eighty percent of people over 65 suffer from at least one chronic disease and nutrition is an important factor on there prevention and recuperation from the disease.

Caloric needs change with aging due to a greater percentage of body fat and lower percentage of lean muscle. Decreased activity can cause further decreases in calories. The challenge is to meet the same nutrient needs as when younger but consuming fewer calories. The answer to this is to choose nutrient dense foods. Protein needs are not thought to change for the elderly, although protein requirements may vary due to restrictions or disease.

Reducing the overall fat content in the diet of an elderly person is reasonable , it is eating no more than 30% of daily calories from fat is desirable. Carbohydrate intake should comprise 60% of the calories. Emphasis should be placed on complex carbohydrate. Glucose tolerance decreases with age and lower refined carb intake puts less stress on your body. Dietary fiber intake is also recommended , and with adequate fluid intake you can achieve normal bowel function. Fiber is also thought to reduce inflammation of the intestines. Veggies, fruits , grain products, cereals, seeds, legumes, and nuts are all good sources of dietary fiber.

Water is the most important and serves many essential functions. Adequate water intake reduced stress on the function of kidneys, which kidney function tends to decline with aging. Consumption of 5-8 glasses of water every day can be beneficial. Aging people do not realize that they are thirsty and can easily become dehydrate and water intake should automatically occur and should not wait till you feel thirsty. It is important that diets planned for the elderly have proper fluid intake.

As the body ages food may not seem as appetizing or smell as appealing due to loss of smell and taste. If an elderly person is told to cut down on salt or sugar food may not be as good to them any more because they need extras for taste. Loss of vision may impair cooking with aging . An elderly person may not know how to read food prices, nutrition labels or may forget how to cook or have fear to cook. These losses are not usually complete but may affect one's ability to eat healthy.

The need for electrolytes, sodium, and potassium can be altered in the elderly when drugs are used to control certain diseases such as hypertension or heart disease and diet should be modified to fit those needs. The fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in the body and usually it is thought that the elderly are at lower risk of fat soluble vitamin deficiencies. There is a risk of vitamin A toxicity and vitamin D defiecenicy due to low intake of dairy products. Of all the minerals iron and calcium intakes have been reported to be low in many elderly. Eating a wide selection of foods, including calcium rich foods and low fat diary products is the best advice.

Nurtitional assessments are often done by health care providers because it can help determine is symptoms a patient has is a nutritional deficiency. Overall for any age group, selecting foods from a wide variety which can be eaten and enjoyed is what is important.

The Holosync Solution. Does It Even Work?

The benefits of practising deep meditation are enormous. Apart from reducing stress and anxiety it can produce amazing effects in the body and eliminate negativity from the mind. However it usually takes a lifetime to perfect through hours of daily pratise.

What if you could gain access to a new technology that would put you into such a deep meditative state within minutes, would you be interested?

I am about to introduce you to a relatively new technology that uses Binaural Beats. This technology is cutting-edge and can bring you all the benefits that would otherwise take you 30 years to acquire! I am talking about a meditation program by Centerpointe Research Institute called Holosync. You are about to discover the origins and workings of this technology as well as the benefits and pitfalls it offers.

Unlike other binaural beats recordings Holosync is a course and not a single recording. It is possible to purchase binaural beat recordings designed for a single purpose. They come in the form of CD and each one is designed to produce just one specific state. However Holosync is very different. The major affect that Holosync promises to produce is the elimination of past negative programing such as traumas, strong and slight emotional issues, negative memories and negative beliefs of all kinds.

Does it work?

To get a comprehensive answer to this question we are required to delve a little deeper into the technology itself and look at the foundation upon which Holosync is built. The technology behind this is Binuaral Beats audio recordings.

It was in 1839 that Binaural Beats were first discovered by a man named Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. However it was much later, in 1973, when Gerald Oster released a paper called "Auditory Beats in the Brain", that their use in cognitive and neurological research was discovered. These beats are in fact different specific frequencies giving to the left and right ear. The audio produced by using binaural beats can send anyone into a deep meditative state in just a few short minutes. These states are Alpha (light trance), Theta (deep trance) and Delta (dreamless sleep).

Binaural Beats are created by an audio mixing technique that sends different frequency tones to each ear separately. They are designed to alter the listener's brain wave activity and they do this very effectively. You merely put on some stereo headphones, sit or lie in a comfortable position, close your eyes and allow the sounds to do their work. You don't even have to force yourself to relax.

Scientists have long known that when brainwave patterns change they affect the body. Chemical reactions take place as a direct result of these chnaging brainwave patterns. Such reactions in the body's chemistry usually results in profound positive changes throughout the whole physical system. In essence binaural beats appear to have the same impact and benefits of very deep meditation. It has been shown that this technology produces exactly the same brainwave patterns as those practising deep meditation. This is fantastic news because without the aid of this audio technology it usually takes a lifetime to perfect transcendental meditation. In fact entering even light states of trance can take years to learn and perfect.

The enormous benefits of transcendental meditation been documented by scientists across the world. It can stimulate the creation of certain hormones needed by the body and reduce things like blood pressure and it is even said to slow down and reverse effects of the aging process. So the benefits of entering a deep meditative state are apparent as are the benefits of using binaural beat technology to do it. 

As far as Holosync goes the other major benefit, as if we needed one more, is that the state produced by the Centerpointe recordings allow you to directly access the subconscious mind.

Beacuse of this you can use Centerpointe's Holosync Solution along with any other self improvement tool. Your old subliminal resordings or hypnosis CDs can have a greater impact than ever before. You can even use the sound technology to increase your visualization skills. Using this type of 21st Century technology means you can therefore alter limiting or negative beliefs, heal emotional issues or create new positive behaviours in a fraction of the time it would take you using conventional means and with a much higher success rate.

Here are some of the benefits of transcendental meditation:

1. Creates a deep relaxing feeling throughout the body which stays with you for hours afterwards.

2. Boosts your creativity.

3. Slows aging.

4. Removes emotional blocks, old traumas and creates profound emotional changes at an extremely deep level.

5. Eliminates Stress & anxiety.

Now with all the benefits that transcendental meditation brings, and the fact that Holosync produces the same internal states as this meditation, it would be extremely prudent to try it. The real power of the binaural beats behind the Holosync recordings is that they can be used to induce a meditative state and thus create these changes with no effort whatsoever. All that you need to do is wear stereo headphones, sit or lie down in a relaxing position, close your eyes and allow the audio to do all the work. You only need the discipline to listen to the recordings everyday!

The Binaural Beat market is filling up with manufacturer's who offer some great titles. It is also possible to create your own with the proper software. However, this is where the danger lies! You need an in-depth knowledge of brainwave patterns and their effect on the mind and body in order to create the correct frequencies. There are several forum postings that state the improper use of binaural beat technologies has created negative and even damaging results on some people. This is why it is imperative to seek out professionals who know what they are doing and are properly qualified.

The CEnterpointe Research Institute, and the Holosync Solution which it produces, are the brainchild of Bill Harris. He created Holosync in 1989, is trained in hypnosis and as well as being a qualified trainer of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). He has studied contemporary psychology, quantum mechanical physics, the evolution of non-linear systems and the effects of a wide range of neuro-technologies on human behavioural change, evolution and healing. There are many personal development and self improvement coaches who endorse and personally use the Holosync Solution. You may recognise two of them - James Ray from the movie The Secret and Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul.

The downside of the Holosync technology is that you need to listen to it everyday to get maximum benefit and it also comes in stages as a course. However, Bill Harris insists that you do not need to continue using it and can stop after each stage of the course is complete while permanently retaining all the changes you've made. It is possible, and advisable, to continue through all the stages of the course to reach a place of imperturbabilty. The Holosync solution, by Centerpointe, does create deep states akin to meditation and it does remove emotional traumas that are hidden deep in the subconscious mind. In fact it does exactly what it says it will do.

Home Based Business Ideas

You've heard of all the successful home based business ideas and wonder if you could come up with something as fresh and innovative in order to gain your own independence and career freedom. You can. There are a number of home based business ideas running around your head. You just need to learn to focus them to find the right home based business idea for you.

Before you run off with one of those many home based business ideas, consider if a home based business is right for you. It may seem wonderful to not have to make that morning commute each day and to be your own boss, but making those home based business ideas successful takes a lot of work and focus. You need to be prepared to put in a lot of work to start your business and more work to make it successful. Also, you need to know that you can balance the work it will take to turn those home based business ideas into a reality with your personal life.

Still, if you feel you have the focus and desire to be your own boss, then it is time to look at those home based business ideas. Not sure what to do? Start off by thinking about the things you love to do. You know, those things that you get involved in and you hate to walk away from. Home based business ideas come out of the things you love, so make a list. Then take those ideas and narrow them down to a few things you could turn into a business.

Once you know what you love and have some home based business ideas, don't fret if you think they have been done before. They may have, but you may do it better. Or, there may only be a few companies that offer the same services your home based business ideas would offer. If you have broad home based business ideas, try to narrow them down to a few niches. Figure out how you can make those home based business ideas a little different from the competition.

Research becomes your friends when you are going through your home based business ideas. Check out the competition online or in your area. See how you can take your idea and make it work for clients. Maybe talk to some consumers to see what aspects of your home based business ideas they would be interested in or need. This information will guide you through your list of home based business ideas until you find the one that will work best for you.

Cheap Credit Cards Help to Leave Fees Behind

Low interest credit cards are cards that provide significant purchasing power for consumers while minimizing their overall debt load. The term may seem 'bargain basement', but it is making sense to more and more consumers.

You should consider all fees while searching for a low interest credit card featuring,including annual fees, balance transfers, and any extra applicable fees.

Extra Fees

Credit card fees can often be avoided, but still require a thorough understanding. When these fees are all present in a credit card offer it may be wise to avoid the offer altogether. Some fees will be unavoidable, but others are completely avoidable.

Various extra fees include:

-Late payment fees
-Set-up fees
-"Over-the-credit-limit" fees
-Return items fees
-Fees for orders made by telephone

Balance Transfer Fees

Low Interest credit cards are often used in transferring balances from a higher interest rate credit card to a new lower interest rate card. Be sure to check if there are fees attached to any balance transfer. The best cards will offer no transfer fees or exceptionally low introductory annual percentage rates (APR). If transfer checks are included, make sure you understand if a fee is attached to the use of those checks.

Annual Fees

Credit card offers will generally list the amount required as an annual fee. Many cheap credit card offers have eliminated this fee in "general use" cards, but may still require them for their respective rewards programs. Make sure to understand what annual fee is being charged and if it makes financial sense for your situation. 

If you are a consumer who pays your credit card off each month then it is important for you to make sure you find a card with the fewest fees. Cheap credit cards come in a variety of configurations and quick paying consumers can be penalized for accepting a card that contains fees that can be assessed even when the card is not being used.

Are These Fees Hidden?

Credit card companies must list all fees associated with your card preference when you apply. Reading the offer in its entirety is the only way to assure you have the knowledge needed to make wise use of the credit card.


Cheap credit cards are often defined by their lower interest rates and fewer added features such as extravagant rewards programs. In fact, several cheap credit cards have rewards programs, but the rewards may be fewer or less expensive.

The credit card marketplace is highly competitive, which has resulted in a wide variety of choice in the arena of consumer credit. By understanding the various aspects of consumer credit, you have the power to select a card that best fits your lifestyle and spending habits.

An online search of the credit card offers that match your needs is a beneficial way to compare the variety of facets of a credit card offer. When a consumer is successfully matched with the best credit card for their situation, it reflects a sense of consumer empowerment that is growing with every online credit card comparison.


Long Term Life Insurance - Why Get It?

Long Term Life Insurance is term life insurance that is taken out for an extended period of time. Most term life insurance tends to be for a period of between one and seven years, but some people prefer a longer term cover. Insurance companies have responded to this demand by offering a new range of products that fall somewhere between whole life insurance and traditional term insurance.

Normally when people want long term cover, they purchase whole life insurance, which covers them for the duration of their life, and also builds a cash value. However, if you do not wish to pay the extra premiums that are associated with the investment, then perhaps long term insurance rather than whole insurance may be the way for you to go.

These policies may be referred to as "Permanent Life" policies, and can be set up so that they are payable on demise, or at a certain age. Long term life insurance really blurs the line between whole life and term life insurance, with policies often borrowing from both structures to offer the customer even more flexibility. If you do not wish to have an accruing cash value, then you don't have to. You can also stipulate whether you want the beneficiary to receive a lump sum payment, or monthly payments to boost income.

Unlike shorter term policies, long term life insurance does tend to be initially more expensive, though over the length of the term it may prove more cost effective than short term life insurance policies. Talking to your preferred insurance provider will give you a good idea of the options that are available out there. Then you can shop around and compare policies online, which will give you an even better idea of your options. The market is booming, so if you are looking for more flexibility in your life insurance, now is the time to look.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

How to Make Fried Rice Most Delicious - Fried Rice Recipe

How to Make Delicious Special Fried Rice Recipe | Rating: 4.5 | How To Make Fried Rice Most Delicious - Fried Rice is most delicious when eaten hot past. Your search for information about the fried rice recipe? Or Bagimana how to make fried rice is tasty and delicious savory? Well on this occasion Specification blog will try to give the trick how to make delicious fried rice. Alone in Indonesia are very many kinds of fried rice Atara other special fried rice, cheese, greens, seafood, bananas, pineapple, Javanese fried rice, sausage, corned beef, special, goat, fried nuts, salted fish fried rice, etc..
Fried rice was already the subject or the daily diet of Indonesia. Almost every day people eat fried rice majority of the morning or evening. As for the how to make the most delicious fried rice was a bit difficult to get the recipe to make the most delicious fried rice. Well, for that here we will try to dismantle the most delicious fried rice recipe we got from some expert interpreter famous cook fried rice in Indonesia.
How to Make Fried RiceThe main ingredients of fried rice recipe:500 grams of rice3-4 tablespoons soy sauce6 tablespoons of oil for sauteing1-2 tablespoons of tomato sauce
Spices that recipe for fried rice:3 cloves garlic3-5 red chilies or spicy according to your taste6 red onions½ teaspoon shrimp pasteSalt to taste
Supplementary Material fried rice recipe:Bahah complementary to suit your taste because everyonetaste is different.EggFried chipsSliced ​​young mentimumFried onionsAcar mentimum
How to make fried rice:Phase 1. In a skillet, heat 5 tablespoons oil over medium heat.Phase 2. Which has been mashed Saute until fragrant.Phase 3. Add the rice to cool. Stir well.Stage 4. Enter the tomato sauce and soy sauce. Stir again until blended.Stage 5. Lift, and ready to serve with complementary materials

Prattyoda Bhayangkara Indonesian Idol 2012 Powered Guitarist Guns N 'Roses

Prattyoda Bhayangkara or commonly called Oda Indonesian Idol 2012 is one of the contestants who fought in the selection of Indonesian Idol 2012 singing spectacular. Yoda is luring the jury when I was auditioning. Ahmad Dhani alone proved willing to accompany the guitar while singing yoda of Bad English - When I See You Smile. His voice is distinctive of a true rocker style hair plus makeup classic rocker adds star aura about him.
Yoda was born in Kebumen February 9, 1987, was supported by Guns N 'Roses, Ron Thal aka Bumblefoot when yoda singing Sweet Child O' Mine. Bumblefoot write direct support of his personal twitter account. He writes,

     "Good luck @ @ bumblefoot TheRealOda! Looking forward to hearing you, have fun!!: D # YodaIDOL," he wrote, "@ bumblefoot Thank you fans of @ TheRealOda for sharing your excitement & happiness! # YodaIDOL, "he wrote again.

Automatic yoda had to be trending topic number one in the world thanks to the chirp of a Bumblefoot. Sure enough the words spoken by agnes, although any type of songs to sing with, aura Bhayangkara Prattyoda star still shining. Yoda no longer bound to become a new superstar.


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